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Advance Registrations are Now Open!

July 19th, 2010 by Svend Joscelyne

By now you’ve probably got a good idea as to how absolutely awesome this year’s Summer of Sonic convention is going to be. 1000-person venue. Nigel Dobbyn. Crush 40. Sonic 4. Free goodies. That’s only the tip of the iceberg, ladies and gentlemen – we have a lot more to announce besides, that will make SoS10 an unforgettable event.

With such a great lineup, it’s only natural to expect a lot of people to come through those Pavilion doors on the 7th August. To help make your entry into the Summer of Sonic that much easier, I am proud to announce the launch of our registrations website, which will allow you to place an order for tickets in advance of the big day.

What are the benefits of registering early on the website, instead of just heading straight to the venue? It saves time for both you and the Summer of Sonic staff – on entry, you will be asked to provide the doormen with your name, address and other details so that if an incident happens during the day, we can contact you easily and efficiently. This process does impact the length of time you could be standing in line outside, waiting to get in.

Advance registration gives you the opportunity to send us all of the details that you would normally leave on the door via our website, thus speeding up your entry. The other clear benefit is that, for the first hour of the Summer of Sonic venue opening, we will only be accepting entry for those holding a valid, already-registered ticket.

So how do you get to do this? Simply visit our registration website at – fill in your details and follow the instructions. Once submitted, your details will go through a vetting process before being accepted. Accepted registered applicants will be sent details of their ticket, to print off and take to the venue to be hole-punched.

Please note that no tampering of your ticket is allowed, whatsoever. If you modify it in any way, you will be refused entry. And nobody wants to wait a whole hour when you could be so close to being one of the first people to see the sights!

Entry to the Summer of Sonic convention – including advance registration – is subject to our Terms and Conditions, which you must read and accept before being allowed access. Please take the time to understand these terms as soon as you can.

Now, get registering and breathe easy – you’re going to the Summer of Sonic!

47 Responses to “Advance Registrations are Now Open!”

  1. FTA says:

    It’s not working, I enter my email but it won’t allow it.

  2. Casanova says:

    Theres a problem with registerations. It won’t recognise my email, is it because I have a _ icon in it?

  3. Dan 'Swiss' capon says:

    I’m getting an error pop up saying “Please enter your e-mail address” when I’ve already entered it…any help? :(

  4. Dan 'Swiss' Capon says:

    Ah, seems like I’m not the only one then. :P

  5. Svend Joscelyne says:

    Sorry about this guys, it was working in testing! We’ll get it fixed as soon as humanely possible! :)

  6. Sorry peeps, it should now be working.

  7. Casanova says:

    Ah yes! I’m now registered and coming to SOS! Also your email confirmation might be in your junk folder.

  8. Marcus says:

    Signed up and ready to rock. Does anyone know the times of the event?

  9. FTA says:

    I registered 2 other members of my party, but because one is coming from America and the other most likely will not be able to attend, I gave my details for them as well. Is that allowed or should I re do them.

    In terms of my American friend, my details are going to be better for him in case something happens anyway, but just checking.

  10. Stiv says:

    Ticket holders shall not bring into the Venue or display or distribute (whether for free or not) at the Event any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.

    Does this apply to everything promotional or just things we may make a profit on? Eg, can I leave a pile of prints with my DeviantArt address on a table?

    Also, we’re not allowed ANY of our own food and drink in the venue?

  11. Yes, thank you guys! Now I can stop worrying…..

  12. Steven Kelly says:

    my mum is coming with my brother right but how do i register a 5 year old who don’t have an email address?

  13. Svend Joscelyne says:

    Stiv: Officially, yes. Unofficially…

    Tables may be short, but we hope to have enough room to offer what you’re suggesting regarding prints, to some degree.

  14. Svend Joscelyne says:

    Steven: You may register your own email address, and identify yourself as next of kin. That should be fine.

  15. Hood says:

    Svend: so will you be providing food & drink as i have no intention of leaving the event to pay money for items i could have brought along with me

  16. ChrisMat says:

    Have registered myself and used the link to add my girlfriend, i have got be email confirmation but not hers. Shall i Just try again????

  17. Kevin says:

    Just registered myself and the confirmation e-mail went through fine. August 7th cannot come soon enough!

  18. sonicwalter says:

    it worked for me and i’m going there :D

  19. Core says:

    So according to the T&C, recording videos is not allowed? Is taking photos allowed then?

  20. Stiv says:

    Cheers, Svend.
    I don’t mean for promotion of anything huge or special.
    Just last year, I left some prints out for people to take and they seemed popular, so I thought I’d do something similar this year if I could, just including a website to see more this time =P.

  21. shadow64 says:

    Have tried to add a extra person after myself only got one email confirmation for me (despite putting in separate emails address). Anyone else had same problem???

  22. Hood says:

    svend:Nvm my pervious comment as urtheart’s q&a helped answer all i needed to know

  23. Syaming Li says:

    Actually Stiv pretty much asked the only question I had. I’m now just glad I can COMFORTABLY wait for SoS updates rather than have a small heart attack every time an update pops up, praying its registration. XD;

    Actually wait, no… *if* we had promo/sellable art for the tables, is there a registration for that? Not that I believe I have enough this year to constitute for taking up a whole one.

  24. Thank you so much as soon as my dad is avaliable , he will sort it out for me him and my grandma

  25. Squall20XXuk says:

    I didn’t recieve an e-mail after I registered, am wondering if sometimes it takes a little longer? My friend recieved her automated e-mail instantly. I just want to make sure it went through ok!

  26. Steven Kelly says:

    @ Svend

    what do i put for the phone numbers then ?
    and thanks for the help

  27. Rubenix says:

    Hey could you tell me if this is a free event or how much the tickets cost etc…? Thanks a lot! :)

  28. Svend Joscelyne says:

    Steven: Again, your phone numbers will be fine.

    Rubenix: Hey there, this is a free event. :)

    Squall20XXuk: You’ll have to forgive us, we manually go through every registered user, so it will be seen to, don’t worry.

    Hood: Yeah, as previously mentioned, these T&C’s are there for us to cover our backs, really. We can enforce them as much as we like, but we don’t imagine there being too many restrictions when it all comes down to the day. Obviously, feel free to bring in a little food, but try not to bring a picnic. ;)

    If it comes down to it though (for example, bringing more than a few snacks), yes, we would expect you to use the surrounding facilities outside of the venue, and this will not be something we will cover. Bear in mind that this event is free, and consideration must be made for other visitors at this event.

  29. Hood says:

    svend:That’s understandable besides i wasn’t planning on having a buffet also one more thing,what is the event’s time (from start to finish)

  30. Svend Joscelyne says:

    Hood: No problem. :) Don’t want you going hungry after all. Times have yet to be determined properly, but we’ll likely gun for 10am start.

  31. Hood says:

    damn i’m going have to get up early then but oh well it should be worth it just like last year

  32. @Squall20XXuk: Basically if you click submit and the page says it went through, then it went through ;p If you look at your history you should be able to find that page again.

    I’ve checked your email against what we have so far, and I can say that we have your registration. What likely happened is that Hotmail thought the notification was spam and put it in a spam folder, so I’d take a look in there.

  33. I might have to set my alarm for 7:00 then because if the event starts about 10 , half 10, but i don’t know what a good time for me and my dad and my grandma, any ideas :)

  34. Casanova says:


    Last year there were people waiting a few hours before doors opened. Then there was a delay by around 30/40 min before people were let in.

  35. baraknic says:

    i hop that they enter peoples from israel

  36. Chloe says:

    Can someone please explain what the ‘Next of Kin’ box is when you’re registering? I mean I know it’s says contact details next to it but I already put my number, address and e-mail in so what else is there?

  37. Svend Joscelyne says:

    Next of Kin is the contact details of another person who we can get in touch with should anything happen to you. For example, your mum or dad, or a relative that lives nearby to the venue.

  38. Hood says:

    i still haven’t got my ticket yet but it’s most likey due to high demand -_-

  39. baraknic says:

    iiiiiiiiiiiiii gggggggggggoooooooootttttt mmmmmmyyyyyy tttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttt

  40. baraknic says:

    i got my ticket and i got my ticket

  41. Jansen McCord (ShadowTG) says:

    YAY, just printed them out!

  42. Marcus says:

    Can we put the ticket on an iPhone if we can’t print it off?

  43. The ticket layout on the PDF file seems to crop out the bit at the bottom meaning that the bottom of the numbers gets chopped off. Is there anyway to fix this?

  44. When you set up the print job, tell it to size it to the “Actual Size” or “100%”. The ticket is small enough to fit on a sheet of A5 paper, so if it’s being cut off on an A4…

  45. Ruben says:

    Sorry to ask again, but can the ticket be printed in Black and White, or does it have to be in colour?

  46. i regestered tuesday morning at about 6:00am so i’m just waiting for them now i can’t wait and this is my second one this year i came to the other one last year aswell and i really enjoyed it so that ‘s why i’m coming again

  47. urtheart says:

    SuperSonicGirl1994: Your ticket has been approved, check your email and spam boxes, email if you have further problems but you dun need to re-register.

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The Summer of Sonic is a convention based in Central London, UK. Event created by Svend Joscelyne, presented by The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Wrecks. Supported by SEGA Europe and SPOnG. Attendees of all ages are welcome, but visitors under 15 years of age should be accompanied by a suitable parent or guardian - the organisers accept no responsibility for those attending the event. Anything brought in by attendees to showcase are the sole responsibility of their owners. Be careful when meeting strangers you know online elsewhere; The Summer of Sonic is a safe neutral location for fans of Sonic the Hedgehog to meet up. All content copyright © The Summer of Sonic 2010, fan content published is the copyright © of respective artists and fans. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are copyright © SEGA. All Rights Reserved. Website powered by WordPress.