I’ve heard good things about your convention and require your detective services – and I can pay HANDSOMELY. But first I must test your abilities. Here is your mission, I want to test your investigation skills with a little scavenger hunt. What fantastic scheme have I got for you?
They will tell you what you need to do on the day….
Cool. Where’s Team Chaotix when you need them?
I feel like such a g33k for understanding all this…
We will now fill in the position on Team Choatix.
Just don’t make any computer room jokes….
It’s just like Sonic Heroes all over again!
screw the lanyard, this is gonna be the best thing of SOS 2010
I remember this, oh god, I remember this …
WHY do I remember this!?!
The Chaotix’ triumphant return
i wod love to do a team choatix mission
Well this sos is going to be active to say the least
What? No “find 20 crabs” hard mode?
SOS, I am dissapoint…
Sweet…..I’m so in…Remember our policy, we never turn down work that pays! Come on boys lets go!
I wonder who our client’s true identity is? Could be you know who.
Wait… Who is this actually meant to be?
Ah, my first game on PS2. I still love playing that mission. lol, Charmy: The sound of waves makes me sweepy…
Where are the details on the time that it opens and closes?
I smeeeeeeell Sonic/SEGA meeeeerchandise
Which means im up for the job! (unless those visa problems corner me..)
you can chaos spear me later but…FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!
Meg:They have yet to confirm it but i would roughly say 10/10:30am – 7pm
Sounds like something I could assist with
I told my dad about this and he was like “What the hell!?” So when I explained it to him he called me a nerd and a geek. Haha
I love Sonic.
What about Chao though? It would be nice to find them and keep them. ^_^
ok so if i find the 10 hermit crabs, what’s the reward hmm?
dunno… mabe just something smaller, so (almost) every guest there can earn it. i’m almost feeling that walkie-talkie in my hands…… but do i really want to work for that creepy ………. how shall i call that uggly creature…….. THING!!!!????