Okay so the Summer of Sonic 2010 has playable builds of Sonic 4, Sonic Colours (Wii) and a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing tournament, what more could you want in a Sonic convention?
Well how’s about some love for those of us who like to play their Sonic games on the go? Thanks to SEGA we will have a copy of Sonic Colours DS (E3 build) for you to play-test on the day.
For those of you who liked previous Sonic DS titles then this will be the game you want to try out first coming from the team that brought you the fast paced Sonic Rush series, under the supervision of Sonic Team, DIMPS. The game is similar to its bigger brother on the Wii, where you use Wisps as power ups to get to the goal in the quickest possible time, except instead of being distracted by those big expansive 3D environments you can play as Sonic in glorious 2D.
Don’t forget to register your tickets for Summer of Sonic here.
Tags: Sonic Colours
thank you
@ Zoe:
I saw that you were disappointed about the DS
version not being in our announcement the other day and wished I
could say something but couldn’t until it was officially
announced today.
Thought this announcement might make you happy
August 7th is going to be THE greatest day of my life. There’s going to be so much to do! Maybe you guys should consider making it longer next year…
wow im so glad im coming to this event it
will be one of the best days of my life next to the mcm expo
@ Liam: We may be making it longer this year by opening a little earlier and closing later. We’re considering opening at 10am or 10:30am and closing at 7pm.
Holy crap, you guys! You never stop with the awesome announcements! Not complaining though! ^_^
Ah! So the DS version will also be playable, thats sweet!
@ shadzter : yeah i know i would of love to play any wii game for sonic but i have a muscle problem and it’s to do with my cordination problems like for example: tying up my shoe laces but at least i ‘m playing 2 demos
@ Zoe:
I have problems too with my M.E. illness that leaves
my muscles weak and makes me exhausted easily. I’m sure the
DS demo will be just as much fun 
Sorry to hear that
I know this has nothing to do with this topic, but…
i know i wish i could play the wii version but my muscles are very weak aswell
SoS news never ceases to impress me XD Is there anything NOT at SoS this year? haha
I have a feeling this’ll be a million times better than last year
Any info on whether a schedules going up like last year? Be nice to know roughly when each events happening to plan my day in advance. ^_^
I think I should try to get an experience of Rush Adventure before I play this. Really wish I had it…
Woooow, this version too? <333 Gosh, there really IS going to lots to do on the 7th of August. I'm so excited, I just can't hide it~
how care about the ds version i want the wii version
Do we know if the demos will be on demo pods or available for DS Download?
Thank you thank you thank you! ^_^ Summer of Sonic is going to ROCK! 7th August is my anniversary with my boyfriend too, 2 years 2 months
and I’m very glad we get to spend
it at this awesome event. (How about a shout out?
Its the E3 floor code, it will be on a pod – not to download.
There was an issue with the DNS, this has since been solved.
Will the wii version be playable
@Katie Wilson Yes
I’m pretty sure that there will be a DS pod to play this in, but just making sure, we will not need to bring our own DS with us, will we?
Mr. Deadly 920 :3. We don’t need to bring our DS’es with us. I probably should of told you that earlier.