To the shock and horror of many we regret to announce that we may soon have to close registration.
In previous years registration has usually got to a point where we have had to stop it in case we go over the legal limit of how many people we are allowed in the place we hold our events (health and safety and all that, any comments about us being PC will be met with a shotgun, we have to follow em).
Despite us being able to hold double the amount of people in this venue, we are sadly reaching that limit again of how many people we can hold. If you are still on the fence about coming to Summer of Sonic, register anyway, this way you get a ticket in case you do want to come. We will still try to get in all those who come but have not registered but please be aware that ticket holders will get priority.
We are sorry that we have had to warn you of this before even a week of registration has come, but deman for Summer of Sonic has once again been far greater than we anticipated, with people all over the world trying to get to the event.
We will inform you if anything on this changes.
Joshua Urtheart Cartlidge
*guards ticket with life* >.>
Foofoofoo…just in time. <_<
its only been 4 days xD!
*is so excited*
[...] So many have filled out the advance registration form since Tuesday that organizers of the Summer of Sonic fan convention in London may very soon have to stop accepting applications. This, according to a statement made by Josh Cartlidge this evening on the Summer of Sonic website. [...]
[...] Summer of Sonic website Tags: registration, summer of sonic, tickets Previous Post « Summer of Sonic & First [...]
I’m going to ingest mine, as a safety measure.
Man, am I glad I snipped in early… Four days and all the tickets are nearly gone? Serious!?
Same here , i’m hoping that my ticket will arrive next week cause i’m off for my holdays now
SuperSonicGirl1994: Your ticket has been approved, check your email and spam boxes, email if you have further problems but you dun need to re-register.
im so glad i have my ticket
>_> <_< Ok I've got mine…..My mum has a confirmation message so now she just needs to wait for the ticket
[...] Now with those kinds of offers how can you resist, and lets not forget this event is completely free entry so all you have to do is sign up for a ticket, but do it quickly as places are going very fast! [...]
Wow. So many Sonic fans all in one place. Can the hall handle that much coolness?
I’ll check that on monday thanks for letting me know and by the way just call me Zoe
and what do you mean i have to re-regester mine i did put all the right details in
@Umiyuri: It’s not quite like that in that we have to leave some leeway for people that turn up on the day without a ticket. We also expect more people than in previous years to stay until the end. But the popularity has indeed surprised us.
Registration has in general slowed down, but certain announcements (like the F4F thing) prompt a surge of them, so we decided to avoid a situation like last year where it was closed totally unannounced. We have around 100 tickets left right now, but once we reach the target number that’s it, you’ll have to take your chances on the day.
luckly i got mine on the first registration day
I’ve got my ticket and thats all that matters to me!
@ zoe: Urtheart meant don’t when he said dun, so you don’t need to re-register.
i got my ticket sence the siginup stated so i dont care cuz i got my ticket and they cool
i fell like spongebob wen he got his Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy prize from that contast
Hopefully it won’t be overcrowded as i would prefer to be able to move around without bumping in to someone every 5 seconds & @Baraknic seriously………..
@ Urtheart: So what did you mean that my ticket has been approved
wat ?
Hey once we get the ticket, can we print it smaller, to avoid wasting ink because when we received ours it came on a full A4 page, which I feel is unnecessarily large for a ticket. Cheers.
SSG1994:He means your ticket has been made & should be in your email soon if not now
Baraknic:Your “failbob” comment……………….
Will more tickets be released as my mates got some and I missed mine:(
Well i have my ticket but i need to know if my dad and grandma’s have been approved and are ready to print out because both of them needed to re register
@Tom: In your print settings there should be a scaling option (it may be called something else). If you change that to “100%” or “Actual Size” it should print the correct size, which is about 40% of an A4 sheet.
@Rich: Unfortunately, that’s it. You can still come along on the day; see the “what you need to know” post to learn a bit more about that.
@Zoe: Please email Josh at if you have a query about your registration.
also ma fan character/FC is Ratchet The Hedgehog as said on ma name X3
all i want to know is if the tickets have been confirmed for my dad and grandma’s tickets have been confirmed