It’s not just the prestige of being the World Champion
you’ll win if you are victorious Saturday.

Appearances can be deceptive, as you will see, this trophy is
Tags: Sonic
& SEGA All-Stars Racing
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*__* shiiiiny…
Make me think I should buy ASR so I can get some practice in. What console will it be played on? No point learning Wii controls if it’s gonna be on 360!
Shame I never played the game…
Holy crap, I need to start practising!
Oh wow! Look at the size of AAUKs office!
heh looks like i’m up for it. hope i win because i played it like 10 days when i got it >:D
I’ve been practicing on the 360 demo, but this makes me want to buy the game to practice.
That’s one big trophy! Look at the size of the cars compared to it!
I hope you’ll provide a carrier bag or something for the winner, because I wouldn’t want to be walking around the streets of London with something so big and shiny in the evening…
I hope I’ll be able to take part in this! (although, as Vger, Roareye et al can testify I’m not very good xD). Wanna rev up as Ryo-san once more <
SUCH a good game btw…
Hmmm, Not sure if I’ll come anywhere close to that cup, I think I’d cry if I actually won :U
Knuckles, Opa Opa or Metal Sonic, I have to assume M.Sonic isn’t available, so one of those two … I better get practising some more :C
Looks wonderful, never won a trophy before though
Shame on me! I’ve never played this game before. and i don’t get the chance to play it… im flying to london this eve. Hope, i can practice at the SoS a little… but i won’t get that good, i think….
I’ve been practicing on expert mode for this with sonic and shadow.first place every time for 3 laps with the hazards on and full range of items.good luck for those who are competing.
Hey Simon, what wilkl you do if Sonic and Shadow are taken in your race?
I’m worried about Knuckles being taken
crap i dont have this game for xbox 360 i got it only for wii and my only wii got error 003 by my brother
@Aggron:PANIC! not really, along as I don’t get Big or Eggman i’ll be fine, even then i’ve still managed to do well with those two.
Playing the Wii version till 2am this morning.
That cup is lovely.
Getting better gonna enter might not get too far tho
3 days to go come on roll on Saturday.
Ha ha, well, I look forward to racing you there
Can’t wait, it’s gonna be great
It will be fun trying to get that on the train, lol.
I’ve been training like crazy with Shadow, so I will win! *insert laugh here*
I’ve only ever played the game for a one hour session, so I’ll be competeing unpractised! You guys’ll have a huge handicap! I’ma take Banjo-Kazooie, mainly ’cause they kick arse~ If taken, Knuckles is my next best choice! :3
Xbox version right? Fingers crossed it has Ryo in Forklift or Metal Sonic….if not….I may be screwed…better start practising
Oh dear, I didn’t even think about it being on another console D: I’ve been practising on the Wii for nothing -__-
(drolling over the trophy)
So far I see this happaning:
“Who wants Shadow as their racer?”
-Everyone raises hand-
Everyone but me, I wants me Knuckles <3
I’m gonna use Shadow! *raises hand*
Wow. Never played it yet I am still going to try.
Amigo’s my racer, and it’s time trials we’re racing on I believe…
i might give it go but i’ll see how the day plays out
Cripes! If it’s huge, I don’t know how I’d manage to get it home if I won. I doubt I will though.
(Still drooling over the trophy)
Only I’m allowed to drool! *drools over trophy*
what!? says who
Woo! I won!
Thanks to all of you who participated and made for some intersting matches.
Huge shoutout to the runner-up, Accipit3r, who came all the way from NORWAY to be there.
See you all at SOS 1011 <3
I was going to enter, but I thought I had to queue up for like, an hour or something D:
Congrats on your victory Osagi
Same here. I wanted to win! Cursed queues! Oh well, it was fun either way.